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Has Information Exception(s)

This Supervisor LaborView lists supervisors who have one or more employees with exception messages that are coded as being "Informational". This exception is generated by the system to alert conditions that do not impact the pay of the employee. For example, the employee badge at an unassigned badge reader. The employee’s record is still processed and passed to the Payroll Interface when this message is generated.

Click the folder to the left of the supervisor's name to open the Employee LaborView record for that supervisor. Note: The default Employee LaborView option for the currently logged in user is displayed.

The following exception icons may be displayed:

Critical Exception

Indicates a serious issue with an employee timecard. The timecard cannot be approved until this exception has been resolved. An example of a critical exception is "An Odd Clocking was detected".

Warning Exception

Indicates a moderate issue in an employee timecard. The timecard can still be approved. An example of a warning exception is "Hours reported in excess of Approved Hours in the pay period."

Informational Exception

Indicates a relatively minor issue in an employee timecard. The timecard can still be approved if this exception is not resolved. An example of an informational exception would be if an employee clocked in at an unauthorized badge reader.

Pending Exception

This is used with the Scheduling feature. This indicates that an employee is going to have an exception if the employee works all the scheduled shifts. After the employee has actually worked the schedule, the exception becomes a regular exception as indicated above.

The following related topics are available:

Contact Information

Has Absence

Has Approvals Remaining

Has Calendar Requests

Has Clocking Requests

Has Critical Exception(s)

Has No Exception(s)

Has No Tardy or Absence

Has Pending Exception(s)

Has Tardy

Has Warning Exception(s)

Pay Period Overview