Determines the level of access associated with the role, usually associated with a supervisor role (e.g. approver, editor, read only).
Based on this setting, an icon may be displayed on the Time Card Reports and on the Supervisor card in the employee TCS screen.
Approving supervisors have both editing and approving capabilities. The Supervisor may view, edit and approve a report for return to payroll. There may be multiple approving supervisors for any given employee. Approving supervisors are typically those individuals who "sign off" or approve Time Card reports.
Editing supervisors have editing capabilities, but not approving capabilities. An employee may have multiple editing supervisors.
Read Only
Read-only supervisors do not have approval or editing capabilities. Read-only supervisors are typically individuals who review reports, but have no need to make any edits to the information.
Note: Role assignments can be granted to employees either through their primary home organization unit in the Configuration section>Organization Unit card>Organization Unit screen>Roles section or through the Employee section>Employee record>Roles screen.