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Setting Up Minimum Staffing Rules

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Set the Pay Code Indicators

Using the following table as a guide, configure the appropriate pay codes for the minimum staffing rules you are setting up.

Minimum Staffing Rule

Pay Code Indicator




Minimum Days Off

Schedule Standard 9

Worked Pay Code determination for Minimum Days Off

Y, N

Select Y for pay codes considered worked and N for codes not considered worked.

Minimum Scheduled Hours

Schedule Standard 3

Determines which Pay Codes accumulate toward approved hours

Y, N

Select Y for pay codes that accumulate toward approved hours.

Minimum Shift Equity

Schedule Standard 5

Determines whether Pay Code is productive or non-productive

P, N

Select P for productive and N for non-productive pay codes.


Schedule Standard 1

Determines which shift Pay Code is applied to for Shift Equity

D, E, N, O

D = Day code

E = Evening code

N = Night code

O = Pay code has no effect on Shift Equity

Minimum Weekends

Schedule Standard 8

Qualifying Pay Code determination for Minimum Weekend

A, D, E, N, X

A = Code qualifies, any shift

D = Code qualifies, Day shift

E = Code qualifies, Evening shift

N = Code qualifies, Night shift

X = Codes does not qualify

To set the pay code indicators, complete the following steps.

  1. Select Configuration section > Time and Attendance card > Pay Code screen.
  2. Search for and open the appropriate pay codes.

    The appropriate pay codes are those that you want to specifically qualify or disqualify for minimum staffing rules.

  3. Click the Indicators tab and open the Schedule Process card.
  4. Using the previous table, select the desired options in the appropriate pay code fields for the minimum staffing rules you are setting up.
  5. Click Save.
  6. If you opened more than one pay code in step 2, click the arrow under Pay Code Navigator to move to the next pay code and repeat steps 3 - 5.

The following related topics are available:

Set the Activity Code Indicators

Configure the Assignment Codes

Create a Selection Style

Update the Staffing Configuration