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This report displays information about the Education Tracking curriculums currently in the system, including the courses and categories assigned to the curriculums and the level where they are assigned (position, organization unit, etc.).

Report headings include the curriculum code and description, whether the hire date is used (yes/no), the requirement exempt date (employees hired before this date are exempt from requiring this curriculum), the effective date, and expiration date. The course and category headers include the code, description, effective date, and expiration date.

The course and category fields include the category type (e.g. standard, pool), whether this is a mandatory requirement, effective date, expiration date, frequency and type of expiration, fixed expiration date, carry over days, whether it is end of month expiration (true/false), and grace period days. If the requirement is a category, the courses within the category are also listed with the course code and description, effective date and expiration date.

Report parameters include the following options: