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Storage Volume Registry

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The General screen is where the basic information is set up to define this storage volume record.

When the record is saved, the system assigns a numeric Storage Volume Table Identifier. The Partition Begin Date and Partition End Date fields are also added by the system and will initially be blank. Each time data is saved to the storage volume, these dates are updated to display the earliest and latest dates of the data included in the volume.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available:




Create Method





Partition Begin Date

Partition End Date

Storage Volume Table Identifier

The following additional section options are available in the left pane:

Archive Events


Indicates whether or not the storage volume is visible for use in the system (Yes/No). Only storage volumes with both the Active and Open fields set to Yes are available to select when running the payroll close.


Indicates whether the data in this storage volume is from Time Card Reports, Audit Reports, W2 Reports, or the Retro Calculator. The value entered here determines the process where this storage volume is available for selection (e.g. Archive Time Card Reports, Archive Employee Audit Reports, etc.)


Indicates whether the data in the storage volume is compressed to save space (Yes/No).

Create Method

Indicates the method used when the data was sent to the volume registry.

  • Direct

The database is immediately created and stored.

  • Script

Creates a SQL script to create the database at a future date.


The label describing this storage volume.


Indicates whether the data in this Storage Volume is encrypted for security purposes (Yes/No).


A short, alphanumeric name identifying this storage volume.


Indicates whether or not the volume can have archives added to it (Yes/No). Only storage volumes with both the Active and Open fields set to Yes are available to select when running the payroll close.

Note: A Storage Volume is created for each year. At the end of year, the Storage Volume should be set to Open = No, so it can no longer have archives added to it. It should always remain Active so the data can be used for reporting.

Partition Begin Date

The earliest begin date of all of the pay periods of data that are stored in the storage volume. This value is populated by the system the first time a user archives to the volume.

The partition begin and end date fields are visible on the grid so users can see the date range that is archived to the volume, to find certain records in case they are not named intuitively. These fields are also used when searching for a record.

Note: When the record is first created and there is no data archived, these fields will be blank.

More About Date Value Fields

Partition End Date

The latest end date of all of the pay periods of data that are stored in the volume. This value is updated by the system every time a user archives to the volume.

The partition begin and end date fields are visible on the grid so users can see the date range that is archived to the volume, to find certain records in case they are not named intuitively. These fields are also used when searching for a record.

Note: When the record is first created and there is no data archived, these fields will be blank.

More About Date Value Fields

Storage Volume Table Identifier

Numeric code which identifies this storage volume container. This value is automatically assigned by the system.