Prerequisite Courses
The Prerequisite Courses button opens a screen to select courses that must be taken prior to the course record that is open. For example, a CPR Basics course might be a prerequisite for a CPR Competency Demonstration course.
Employees are not allowed to enroll in a class until they have successfully completed the prerequisite course(s) or are enrolled to take the prerequisite class before the class, unless they have authorization to override the prerequisite requirement. The prerequisite course start date/time must be before the start date/time of the class requiring it.
More About Prerequisite Override Authorization
Depending on the Authorization role assigned to the employee, the following override options are available:
- No Override Authorization: When this policy is assigned to users, they can only schedule an employee or themselves into a class that requires prerequisites if the course prerequisites have already been completed.
- Override Scheduled Prerequisites: When this policy is assigned to users, they are able to schedule an employee or themselves into a class that requires prerequisites if the course prerequisites are currently scheduled – not necessarily completed. Whether or not users have this role, they will receive a warning on each employee that does not meet prerequisite requirements. It allows them to still enroll those employees that are scheduled to take the prerequisite classes before the class, but it will not allow them to schedule those who have not completed the prerequisites and are not currently scheduled. Note: The prerequisite course must end on or before the start time of the class requiring it.
- Override All Prerequisites: If this policy is assigned to users, they can schedule anyone into any class that requires prerequisites, even if those prerequisites have not been met or scheduled. They still receive a warning at the time of enrolling the person but, they are not prevented from enrolling anyone.
Multiple Course Prerequisites:
When a course has multiple prerequisites, the lowest prerequisite status (i.e. incomplete, scheduled, complete) determines if the employee can be enrolled in the scheduled class for the course. See the following example:
Prerequisite 1 Status
Prerequisite 2 Status
Enrollment Allowed?
No Overrides
Enrollment Allowed?
Override Scheduled
Enrollment Allowed?
Override All
Lowest status = Incomplete
Lowest Status = Incomplete
Lowest Status = Scheduled
Lowest Status = Incomplete
Lowest Status = Scheduled
Lowest Status = Complete
The Prerequisite Constraint Days determines the maximum number of days in advance of the date the course is scheduled that a prerequisite course can be taken. For example, if a course is set with a Prerequisite Constraint Days value of 180, this means that prerequisite courses cannot be taken more than 180 days in advance of the scheduled course. This value is set up on the Course Parameter ED Solution Standard Integer 1.
When a class for the course is open, the prerequisite information is displayed.
Note: If a prerequisite is added to a course that already has classes scheduled, employees who are registered for the class (and their supervisors) are notified if they have not taken the prerequisite. They are not removed from the class.
Adding a Prerequisite Course
To add one or more Prerequisite Courses to the list, click on the Add button. The Course Search screen is displayed.
- After entering values in the selected fields, click on the Search button. The results are listed below the search screen.
- To select one or more record, click the selection box to the left of the record to alternately add or remove the check mark. To select/de-select all records in a specific search result set, click on the box above the search results to add or remove all check marks.
- After selecting records, click the action button for either Assign: Common Data to enter the same values for the
Effective Date and
Expiration Date, or Assign: Individual Data to add different values to each selected record.The last date that a scheduled class will require this prerequisite course. Classes scheduled after this date will not require the prerequisite. If there is no expiration of this prerequisite, leave this field blank.
The date this course becomes a prerequisite for the open course record. Classes scheduled on or after this date will need to have the prerequisite fulfilled; classes scheduled before this date will not require it.
- Click on the Indicators and Parameters tabs to enter additional values for this course. The Prerequisite Constraint Days determines the maximum number of days in advance of the date the course is scheduled that the prerequisite course can be taken. For example, if a prerequisite course is set with a Prerequisite Constraint Days value of 180, this means that it must be taken no more than 180 days in advance of the scheduled course.
Deleting a Prerequisite Course
To delete one or more Prerequisite Course records from the open record, complete the following steps:
- Check the box
to the left of each record to be removed. - Click on the Delete Selected button in the left pane.
- A message appears verifying the record should be deleted. Click on Yes to continue.
Note: This action removes the selected course records from this record only, it does not delete them from the Course/Competency configuration screen.
Filtering the Prerequisites List
All Prerequisite Courses currently assigned to this record are displayed on the screen. To limit the number of records displayed, a filter can be applied.
- Click the card arrow to the right of the Filter Criteria bar and enter the filter criteria.
- When the criteria have been entered, click on the Filter button to apply the filter.
- To remove the filter and display all records, click on the Remove Filter button.
- To view a specific record, click the card arrow on the record. The
Effective Date and
Expiration Date values are displayed.The last date that a scheduled class will require this prerequisite course. Classes scheduled after this date will not require the prerequisite. If there is no expiration of this prerequisite, leave this field blank.
The date this course becomes a prerequisite for the open course record. Classes scheduled on or after this date will need to have the prerequisite fulfilled; classes scheduled before this date will not require it.
Course Code
The short, alphanumeric identification code of the course that is a prerequisite for the open course record.
Course Description
The label describing the prerequisite course.
Effective Date
The date this course becomes a prerequisite for the open course record. Classes scheduled on or after this date will need to have the prerequisite fulfilled; classes scheduled before this date will not require it.
More About Date Value Fields
When a date field is highlighted, the Date Selector is displayed in the right pane to search for the date. Use the arrows in the heading bar to scroll to the Previous or Next month's calendar. Double-click on a date to enter it into the field. Alternatively, dates can be typed into the field.
Expiration Date
The last date that a scheduled class will require this prerequisite course. Classes scheduled after this date will not require the prerequisite. If there is no expiration of this prerequisite, leave this field blank.
More About Date Value Fields
When a date field is highlighted, the Date Selector is displayed in the right pane to search for the date. Use the arrows in the heading bar to scroll to the Previous or Next month's calendar. Double-click on a date to enter it into the field. Alternatively, dates can be typed into the field.
Action Buttons
The following action buttons may be available in the left pane for adding or deleting related records:
Click on the Add button to open a screen to configure a new record.
Complete the following steps to add a new record:
- Click on the Add button in the left pane. The corresponding New Record screen is displayed.
- Enter data in applicable fields. The fields with an asterisk are required and must be completed before the record can be saved.
- Fields that require specific values display
Field Look Up Values in the right pane. If there is no right pane, the
List Selector icon is displayed to the right of a field to open a listing of valid values.The List Selector icon opens a screen to select valid options for a specific field. Depending on the field, the values on this list may be set up on the corresponding configuration screen, or may be standard or client-defined values in the system.
Click on the icon to the right of a field to open the List Selector screen. Click the selected value to load it to the field.
Note: This listing option is used in screens when the right pane is not available to display the Field Look Up Values.
If specific values are required for a field, valid options may be displayed in the Field Look Up Values in the right pane. Usually, these values are previously set up on the corresponding Configuration screen. Scroll down the list to find the required value using the vertical scroll bar to the right of the list.
Note: If the first few characters are typed into the field, the list automatically scrolls to the values beginning with the corresponding values.
Screens that do not have a right pane available have the list selector icon to open a listing of valid values. Click this icon to open the list.
Note: Organization Unit information may need to be entered before values are displayed. For example, when accessing a Job Class field, the job class options available are linked to specific organization units. The organization unit where job classes are created must be entered before the options are displayed.
- Fields that require specific standard response values (for example, Yes/No) display a
Drop-Down Menu arrow to open a list of valid options.If specific standard values are required for a field, valid options may be displayed in a Drop Down Menu. These are usually standard options, or may be client defined. The values are not accessible through a configuration screen.
Click on the drop down menu arrow to display the options.
- Fields that require date values display a calendar in the Field Look Up Values in the right pane. If there is no right pane, the
Date Selector icon is displayed to open a calendar to select a date. Date values can also be typed in.When a date field is highlighted, the Date Selector is displayed in the right pane to search for the date. Use the arrows in the heading bar to scroll to the Previous or Next month's calendar. Double-click on a date to enter it into the field. Alternatively, dates can be typed into the field.
- If there are Indicator and/or Parameter tabs, these must be configured as well. Default values are displayed for all indicator settings (and selected parameter settings), but may be changed for this record. For more information on indicator and parameter settings, the Configuration section>System card>Indicators screen and Parameters screen. See also the Rules and Parameters Specification documentation.
- Depending on the screen being set up, there may also be additional Section buttons in the left pane. Click on the buttons to open and configure those additional screens.
- When all screens have been completed, click on the Save button to save the new record values.
Note: For more information and screen prints, see Adding a New Record.
Delete Selected
The Delete button is used to remove one or more records from a screen.
To delete a record, complete the following steps:
- Click on the selection box to the left of each record to be deleted.
A check mark is displayed
- Click the Delete button.
- If a single record is open, select the Delete button (there are no boxes to select the record).
- A message is displayed verifying the record should be deleted. Click on Yes to continue.
The following actions may display in the left pane when searching for a record:
The Advanced button loads the expanded search criteria mode with additional fields for locating a record. When the Basic search mode is loaded, the button shows as Advanced. When the Advanced search mode is loaded, the button shows as Basic.
Note: The user can set whether the Basic or Advanced search mode is automatically loaded for each screen. This setting is found under Preferences section>My Preferences card>Search screen>Mode tab. The Advanced/Basic buttons only display on screens with Advanced search capabilities.
Assign: Common Data
The Assign: Common Data button is used when assigning multiple records that need values entered. This indicates that all the selected records should be assigned the same values.
For example, when adding Pool Code assignments to an employee, if the Active status and the employee's Reference Number are the same for all pool assignments, select Assign: Common Data. The user only needs to add these values once and they are assigned to each record.
Note: If records should have different values, select Assign: Individual Data, and each record is opened separately to add values.
Assign: Individual Data
The Assign: Individual Data button is used when assigning multiple records that need values entered. This indicates that the selected records should be assigned different values.
For example, when adding Pool Code assignments to an employee, if the Active status and the employee's Reference Number should be different for some (or all) of the pool assignments, select Assign: Individual Data. Each record is open to add values.
Note: If all records should have the same values, select Assign: Common Data, and the values only need to be entered once.
Assign Selected
To assign records to another record, check the boxes to the left of each record and click on the Assign Selected button.
After records have been selected in the search, the following additional actions may be available in the left pane:
Click on the Save button to save the new or updated information in the current screen.
The system does a validation on fields to verify a valid value has been entered. If the value is not valid, a warning message is generated, and the record is not saved.
Reselect Data
Click on the Reselect Data button to reload the previous search results, so the user can select which records to display.