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Shift Equity Assignment

The Employee Shift Equity Assignment is used when employees are required to work a certain number of activities on the day shift, the evening shift and/or the night shift. Activity codes and pay codes are set up so that the system knows which shift they count toward.

Note: For more information on setting up Scheduling Assignment screens, see the Scheduling Assignments Overview page.

Steps for Creating a Shift Equity Assignment

The following summarizes the steps to create a Shift Equity assignment. The steps are described in more detail below.

Step 1: Create a new Assignment Code

  1. Set up the Assignment Code General tab
  2. Set up the Assignment Code Indicator tab
  3. Set up the Assignment Codes Parameters tab
  4. Select the Qualification Criteria

Step 2: Set up Activity Codes to indicate assigned shifts

Step 3: Set up Pay Codes to indicate assigned shifts

Step 4: Add the Shift Equity validation to the Selection Style

1A: Set up the Assignment Code General tab

  1. Go to the Configuration section>Assignments card>Assignment Code screen.
  2. Click on Add button in the left pane to enter a new record.
  3. Enter the date this Assignment Code will be effective.
  4. Select the Standard option from the Assignment Source Classification field.
  5. In the Assignment Source Code field, select Shift Equity from the Field Look Up Values.
  6. Enter a Code and Description to identify this shift equity assignment record.
  7. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the record.

1B: Set up the Assignment Code Indicator tab

  1. With the assignment record open, select the Indicators tab.
  2. Shift Equity Assignment Code Indicator Schedule Standard 1 indicates whether this assignment uses the Shift Equity rule.
  3. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the record.

1C: Set up the Assignment Codes Parameters tab

  1. From the open record, select the Parameters tab.
  2. In the Shift Equity Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Integer 1 field, enter the number of Day shift activity codes that can be assigned within a pay period to employees in this assignment.
  3. In the Shift Equity Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Integer 2 field, enter the number of Evening shift activity codes that are coded as Evening shifts that can be assigned within a pay period to employees in this assignment.
  4. In the Shift Equity Assignment Code Parameter Schedule Standard Integer 3 field, enter the number of Night shift activity codes that can be assigned within a pay period to employees in this assignment.
  5. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the record.

Activity Code Indicator Schedule Standard 2 determines which shift the activity code belongs to.

1D: Select the qualification criteria on the Assignment Codes Criteria screen

  1. Click on the Criteria section button in the left pane to open a screen to indicate the employees who should be given this assignment.
  2. Click on the Add button in the left pane.
  3. Enter an Effective Date, a Code and Description to identify this qualification record.
  4. Enter the criteria options that identify employees who should be given this assignment. Note: The criteria options that are available on this screen are selected on the Assignment Source>Assignment Determination screen for Shift Equity. Additional selection criteria can be added to that record, and then will be available on the Criteria screen.
  5. Click on Save to save the record.
  6. To add additional groups of employees to this assignment, click on the Add button again and enter the qualification criteria. The groups awarded to this assignment are displayed on cards in the right pane.

Step 2: Set up Activity Codes to indicate assigned shifts

When using the Shift Equity rule, the activity codes must be configured to indicate which of the three shifts the activity counts toward. Each activity code can only count toward one shift.

Note: Any activity code that is set to O is not counted when assigning shifts. Any number of these activity codes can be assigned to the employee. Therefore, when using the shift equity rule you may want to limit the activity codes that can be assigned to specific profile codes via the Activity Codes section button on the Profiles screen (Configuration section>Labor Distribution card>Profiles screen>Activity Codes section button).

  1. In the Configuration section>Scheduling card>Activity Code screen, open the activity code record to configure.
  2. Click on the Indicators tab.
  3. Activity Code Indicator Schedule Standard 2 determines whether the activity code is for days, evenings, or nights, or whether it does not count toward shift equity. Select the appropriate code from the list in the left pane.
  4. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the record.

    Note: Multiple activity codes can be updated at the same time by using the Replace feature. For more information, see Replacing Record Values.

Step 3: Set up Pay Codes to indicate assigned shifts

When using the Shift Equity rule, the pay codes must be configured to indicate which of the three shifts the activity counts toward. Each pay code can only count toward one shift.

Note: Any pay code that is set to O is not counted when assigning shifts. Any number of these pay codes can be assigned to the employee.

  1. In the Configuration section>Time and Attendance card>Pay Code screen, open the pay code record to configure.
  2. Click on the Indicators tab.
  3. Pay Code Indicator Schedule Standard 1 determines whether the pay code counts towards the day shift, evening shift, night shift, or whether it does not count toward shift equity. Select the appropriate code from the list in the left pane.
  4. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the record.

    Configuration Hint: Multiple Pay Codes can be updated at the same time by using the Replace feature. For more information, see Replacing Record Values.

Step 4: Add the Shift Equity validation to the Selection Style

The Shift Equity rule must be selected as one of the validations in the selection style for these rules to work.

  1. From the Configuration section>Scheduling card, select the Selection Styles page.
  2. Open the selection style being used with the automatic scheduling process and/or manual process.
  3. Open a scheduling pass.
  4. Point the cursor to the Shift Equity rule in the Available Rules column. Drag the rule to the Selected Rules column.
  5. Save the record.