Schedule Overlap Assignment
The Schedule Overlap assignment determines the minimum number of minutes that must elapse between the end time of one employee schedule or class and the beginning time of another employee schedule or class. This is to allow adequate “rest” time between scheduled activities.
Note: Only Pay Codes with a Type set to Hours will be validated for the Schedule Overlap rule. Pay Codes with a Type set to Dollars or Units will not be validated for the Schedule Overlap rule.
The number of minutes required can be different for Core and for Need-based schedules, and between classes and work schedules. This is to allow the creation of back-to-back core schedules for an employee.
Note: For more information on setting up Scheduling Assignment screens, see the Scheduling Assignments Overview page.
Steps to Create a Schedule Overlap Assignment
The following summarizes the steps to create a Schedule Overlap assignment. The steps are described in more detail below.
Step 1: Create a new Assignment Code
- Set up the Assignment Code General tab
- Set up the Assignment Codes Parameters tab
- Select the Qualification Criteria
Step 2: Add the Schedule Overlap validation to the Selection Styles
Step 1A: Set up the Assignment Code General Screen
- Go to the Configuration section>Assignments card>Assignment Code screen.
- Click on the Add button in the left pane to enter a new record.
- Enter the date this Assignment Code will be effective.
- Select the Standard option from the
Assignment Source Classification field.The system classification of the assignment source record (Standard, Customer, User-Defined, or Replicated). After entering the Assignment Source Classification, Assignment Source options with the selected classification are listed in the Field Look Up Values.
- In the
Assignment Source Code field, select SchedOverlap from the field look up values.The short name or abbreviation for the assignment source that relates to this record. These codes are previously set up on the Configuration section > Assignment card > Assignment Source screen.
Note: There are many standard assignment source codes that match the rule being validated. Additional replicated or user defined codes can be added.
- Enter a
Code and
Description to identify this assignment record. The label describing this assignment code.
The alphanumeric short name or abbreviation identifying this assignment.
- Click on the Save button at the bottom of the page to save the record.
Step 1B: Set up the Assignment Codes Parameters tab
To set up the Assignment Code parameters, complete the following steps. If the record is already open, skip to step 3
- Go to the Configuration section>Assignments card>Assignment Code screen.
- Search for the record to be set up by entering SchedOverlap in the Assignment Source Code field.
- Click on the Add button in the left pane to enter a new record.
- Select the Parameters tab.
- In the Schedule Standard Integer 1 field, enter the minimum number of minutes that must elapse between a productive schedule and a productive schedule (when scheduled during a core schedule pass).
- In the Schedule Standard Integer 2 field, enter the minimum number of minutes that must elapse between an education class and a productive schedule (when scheduled during a core schedule pass).
- In the Schedule Standard Integer 3 field, enter the minimum number of minutes that must elapse between an education class and a productive schedule (when scheduled during a need-based schedule pass).
- In the Schedule Standard Integer 4 field, enter the minimum number of minutes that must elapse between a productive schedule and a productive schedule (when scheduled during a need-based schedule pass).
- In the Schedule Standard Integer 5 field, enter the minimum number of minutes that must elapse between a non-productive schedule and a non-productive schedule (when scheduled during a core schedule pass).
- In the Schedule Standard Integer 6 field, enter the minimum number of minutes that must elapse between a non-productive schedule and a non-productive schedule (when scheduled during a core schedule pass).
- In the Schedule Standard Integer 7 field, enter the minimum number of minutes that must elapse between a productive schedule and a non-productive schedule (when scheduled during a need-based schedule pass).
- In the Schedule Standard Integer 8 field, enter the minimum number of minutes that must elapse between a non-productive schedule and a non-productive schedule (when scheduled during a need-based schedule pass).
- In the Schedule Standard Integer 9 field, enter the minimum number of minutes that must elapse between a non-productive schedule and an education class (when scheduled during a core schedule pass).
- In the Schedule Standard Integer 10 field, enter the minimum number of minutes that must elapse between a non-productive schedule and an education class (when scheduled during a need-based schedule pass).
Step 1C: Select the Qualification Criteria
- Click on the Criteria section button in the left pane to open a screen to indicate the employees who should be given this assignment.
- Click on the Add button in the left pane.
- Enter the Effective Date, a
Code and a
Description to identify this qualification record.The label describing this assignment code.
The alphanumeric short name or abbreviation identifying this assignment.
- Enter the criteria options to identify employees who should be given this assignment. Note: The criteria options that are available on this screen are selected on the Assignment Source>Assignment Determination screen for SchedOverlap. Additional selection criteria can be added to that record, and then will be available on the Criteria screen.
- Click on Save to save the record.
- To add additional groups of employees to this assignment, click on the Add button again and enter the qualification criteria. The groups awarded to this assignment are displayed on cards in the right pane.
Step 2: Add the Schedule Overlap Validation to the Selection Styles
The Schedule Overlap rule must be selected as one of the validations in the selection style for this rule to work.
- From the Configuration section>Scheduling card, select the Selection Styles page.
- Open the selection style being used with the automatic scheduling process and/or manual process.
- Open a scheduling pass.
- Point the cursor to the Schedule Overlap rule in the Available Rules column. Drag the rule to the Selected Rules column.
- Repeat steps 3-4 for each pass to be validated.
- Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the record.