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Education Expirations

This report lists course/competencies and the names of all employees whose education requirement of that specific course/competency is expiring.

The Course sort option sorts the report by the course numbers. The heading includes course code and description, then organization unit and finally assignment level. Fields include employee name, employee number, type of assignment, assignment position, eligibility effective date, eligibility expiration date, whether this course is mandatory, course number, date last taken, last taken status, and next scheduled class (if applicable).

Report fields for the Employee sort include employee name and code, status, and home job class; assigned position, type of assignment (category, course), requirement course code and description, assignment level (i.e. facility, department, job class, position, employee), effective date of the requirement, expiration date of the requirement, and whether this requirement is mandatory.

Note: Unfulfilled mandatory requirements are coded in red.

Report parameters options include the following options: