Staffing by Hours
The Staffing by Hours staffing distribution table determines the staffing needs by downloading patient care hours calculated by a third-party acuity system. The staffing distribution table further divides up the hours by percentage between selected profiles in the organization unit.
The formula for calculating hours for a specific profile for a specific period is (Total Hours * Coverage Period Percent Value) * Profile Percent Value.
Note: The profiles available in this table must first be selected on the Profiles section screen of the Staffing Configuration table.
Creating a Staffing by Hours Record
To create a Staffing by Hours record, complete the following steps:
- Open the Staffing Configuration screen for the required organization unit using the search features.
- On the General tab, make sure the Staffing by Hours option has been chosen in the
Census Category field.The Staffing Distribution work sheet used by this organization for recalculating staffing needs. The value entered here determines the work sheet that is available when the Staffing Distributions button is selected in the left pane.
The menu has the following Census Category options:
Loads an alternate staffing matrix based on patient census and acuity.
Calculates the number of staff needed based on patient census and acuity, along with other factors, such as hours per patient day, percentages of care by coverage periods, etc.
Uses patient care hour information calculated by a third-party acuity system. These hours are then distributed to specified profiles in the organization.
Uses patient care hour information calculated by a third-party acuity system for profile groups. These hours are then distributed to specified profiles within the profile group.
- Select the Staffing Distributions section button in the left pane. A record is displayed for every acuity level, as entered in the
Number of Acuity Levels field on the General screen. The number to the left of the record indicates the acuity level.The number of patient classification acuity levels that are being used by the Organization Unit. The value entered here determines the number of acuity levels available for configuration for the Staffing Distributions section.
- Click the card arrow on the first record to open it.
- Enter a
Description to identify this staffing distribution record. This label is visible when using the Recalculate Staffing Needs wizard.The label describing the distribution record. This label is displayed when running the Recalculate Staffing Needs wizard, to indicate which record to enter the hours values (if manually entering the hours).
- In the Coverage Period Distribution
Percent Value field, enter the percentage of the total patient care hours that should be distributed to the specified coverage period. The percentage of the total patient care hours that should be distributed to the specified coverage period.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When the patient care hours are only downloaded once per day, this value determines the percentage of the ENTIRE DAY hours to distribute to each coverage period. When patient care hours are downloaded every coverage period, this value should be set to 100%, so that all hours are distributed within the indicated coverage period.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When the patient care hours are only downloaded once per day, this value determines the percentage of the ENTIRE DAY hours to distribute to each coverage period. When patient care hours are downloaded every coverage period, this value should be set to 100%, so that all hours are distributed within the indicated coverage period.
- In the Profile Distribution
Percent Value fields, enter the percentage of the total hours which should be awarded to each profile. For example, 10% of the total hours could be distributed to the Certified Nursing Assistants, 20% to the Licensed Practical Nurses, and 70% to the Registered Nurses.The percentage of the total patient care hours that should be distributed to the specified profile.
- Be sure to configure all the coverage period tabs.
- Click on the Save button to save the record.
- If there are multiple acuity levels for this organization unit, complete steps 4-9 above for each record.
The label describing the distribution record. This label is displayed when running the Recalculate Staffing Needs wizard, to indicate which record to enter the hours values (if manually entering the hours).
Percent Value (Coverage Period Distribution)
The percentage of the total patient care hours that should be distributed to the specified coverage period.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When the patient care hours are only downloaded once per day, this value determines the percentage of the ENTIRE DAY hours to distribute to each coverage period. When patient care hours are downloaded every coverage period, this value should be set to 100%, so that all hours are distributed within the indicated coverage period.
Percent Value (Profile Distribution)
The percentage of the total patient care hours that should be distributed to the specified profile.