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Shift Fill Rate

This report allows you to look for trends and evaluate staffing practices to determine how effectively Staffing and Scheduling is being used.

For this report, a shift is considered the same as a coverage period. The coverage periods are based on the organization unit’s default coverage set.
If a shift (or coverage period) is at 100% capacity or greater, it is a full shift. Less than 100% capacity is an unfilled shift. Capacity is taken in total for the shift. For example, if one or more profiles are understaffed by 20 hours and one or more profiles are overstaffed by 20 hours, the shift is considered fully staffed.
The report only displays data for organization units that have unfulfilled shifts at any point during the specified date range. If an organization unit is staffed to 100% or is overstaffed during the entire date range, it will not appear on the report.

The report displays the following information, grouped by organization unit and then by Week Start date:

Report parameters include the following options

Sample report