Hours by Pay Code
This report shows the number of hours and dollar amount (if configured) for pay codes for the selected organization unit during the indicated date range.
Included pay codes must have TA Interface Standard 1 set to Y with an IFC Code that is not blank. By default, only hours and dollar amounts associated with Employees set up to pass to the interface will show in this report; however, two report parameters exist to expand results to include non-interfaced data and employees.
The report fields display the pay code identification code and description, the related interface code, the number of hours, and amount (if configured).
When running the report by worked organization unit, all hours worked in the selected organization unit(s) are shown. When running the report by Home Labor Distribution, all hours worked by employees whose Primary Home organization unit is in the selected organization unit(s) are shown (regardless of the worked organization unit).
Report parameters include the following options:
- Organization Units: The organization units to include in this report.
- Employee: Search for the employees to include in the report.
To search for one or more employees to include in the report, first click the icon to open the search area. After clicking Search, select the boxes for the employees to include. You can search multiple times and build on the list of employees you selected in previous searches.
- Pay Group Instance: The pay group instance to include in the report.
To search for a pay group instance, click the icon to open the search area.
- Begin Date: The first date of the date range to include in the report.
When you select a pay group instance, this field automatically fills with the start date of the pay group instance.
- End Date: The last date of the date range to include in the report.
When you select a pay group instance, this field automatically fills with the end date of the pay group instance.
- Break Down: Select the organization level by which the report is broken down (branch or leaf organization units, or employees).
The options available for selection from the Break Down field are dependent upon the selections made in the organization unit and employee fields. If you select an organization unit or employee and a Break Down option, and then you change the organization unit or employee, you must make a new selection in the Break Down field because the available options may be different.
When you select a pay group instance, this field is automatically set to Pay Group Instance.
- Include Non-Interfaced Data: Indicate whether to include data not sent to the payroll interface (Yes/No).
- Include Pay Groups: Indicate whether to break down the totals by pay groups (Yes/No).
When you select a single pay group instance, this field is automatically set to No.
- Group By: Select whether to group data in the report by the Pay Code or by the Interface Code 1 (as set up in the Pay Code Parameter TA Interface Standard Alpha 1).
- Load Style: Select whether the data included is accumulated and displayed by employees' Home Labor Distributions or by their Worked Labor Distributions.
- Adjustment Transaction Date Determination: Select whether adjustments included are determined by the date of the transaction or by the pay group instance to which they are posted.
When you select a pay group instance, this field is automatically set to Pay Group Instance.
- Pay Code: Select the pay codes to be included when running the report for your selected organization unit. Leave this field blank to include all pay codes.
To search for one or more pay codes to include in the report, first click the icon to open the search area. After clicking Search, select the boxes for the pay codes to include. You can search multiple times and build on the list of pay codes you selected in previous searches.
- Pay Code Reporting Category: To run this report for a single pay code reporting category, select one from the right pane. Leave this field blank to include all pay code reporting categories.
- User Defined Category: To run this report for a single user defined category, select one from the right pane. Leave this field blank to include all user defined reporting categories.
- Include Non-Worked Hours in Totals: Indicate whether to include hours that are not coded as Worked Hours in the pay code reporting categories screen (Yes/No).
- Include Non-Interfaced Employees: Indicate whether to include employees not sent to the payroll interface (Yes/No).
When the report is broken down to the employee level, the employee codes can be masked so that asterisks display instead of the employee code. Masking of the employee codes on reports is determined by the setting of
Organization Unit Indicator System Standard 3 at the trunk organization unit level.
Organization Unit Indicator System Standard 3 is used to determine whether employee codes are masked in reports
Valid Indicator Options:
Employee code should not be masked. The entire employee number is displayed.
Employee code should be partially masked with "*" A certain number of the first characters in the employee code should be masked. Those first X characters are replaced with asterisks. If the code is longer than the number of characters masked, those additional characters are displayed.
Note: The number of characters that should be masked is determined by Organization Unit Parameter System Standard Integer 2, at the trunk level.
Employee code should be entirely masked with "*" All characters of the employee code are replaced with asterisks.
Note: This indicator is located in the Configuration section> Organization Unit card> Organization Unit screen of the Trunk organization unit level on the Indicators tab, System card.