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Compliance Summary Report

This report provides information needed to evaluate and improve transactional compliance in your organization, resulting in making more informed decisions using the most accurate information possible. The report allows you to evaluate transaction latencies and other undesired transaction scenarios for any area of your organization and for various levels of detail. Latent transaction counts are compared to total transaction counts, identifying areas with the highest latency percentages.

When transactions have to be entered or edited manually due to missed transactions or edits, there is an amount of time between when the transaction should have been entered correctly and the actual entry time. This length of time is considered the latency. The Acceptable Latency parameters allow you to define what length of time constitutes a latency for your organization for reporting purposes.

Summary information is provided based on the selected organization unit and Break Down option. You are then able to drill down further into the data.

Report parameters include the following options:

Report column descriptions: