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Handling Employee LaborView Exceptions

Before a time card is signed off, the supervisor should view and handle any exception messages. Critical exceptions must be resolved before the employee timecard can be approved.

To handle an exception, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Choose a LaborView drop down menu, select an Employee LaborView option that displays exception messages.
  2. From the open screen, click the folder icon next to an employee's name to open the employee record.

    Tip: To quickly search for a record by employee name, employee code, or organization unit, use the filter criteria above the LaborView records.

  3. By default, the employee record is open to the TCS screen. Open the Exceptions card. This screen opens a listing of the payroll exceptions generated for the selected employee during the calculations processing. Note: if this card is not available, it must be selected from the Preferences section>My Preferences card>Time Card Screen.
  4. From this screen, authorized users can handle the exceptions, or undo the check mark of a previously handled exception.
  5. Check the selection box to the left of each record to be marked as Handled.
  6. Click on the Handle Selected button at the bottom of the screen.
  7. A check mark now appears to the right of the exception icon indicating that the exception has been handled.

    Note: Critical exceptions cannot be handled from this screen. The supervisor must open the record and resolve the issue before the exception is removed.

To undo the handling of an exception, complete the following steps:

  1. Check the selection box to the left of each record to be updated.
  2. Click on the Unhandle Selected button at the bottom of the screen.
  3. The check mark now is removed from the right of the exception icon indicating that the exception is no longer marked as Handled.

The following icons may be displayed when viewing the exceptions records:

Critical Exception

Indicates a serious issue with an employee timecard. The timecard cannot be approved until this exception has been resolved. An example of a critical exception is "An Odd Clocking was detected".

Warning Exception

Indicates a moderate issue in an employee timecard. The timecard can still be approved. An example of a warning exception is "Hours reported in excess of Approved Hours in the pay period."

Informational Exception

Indicates a relatively minor issue in an employee timecard. The timecard can still be approved if this exception is not resolved. An example of an informational exception would be if an employee clocked in at an unauthorized badge reader.

Pending Exception

Indicates exceptions that will be displayed in the future if the employee's time card data does not change. Pending exceptions are determined by the (Calcs) process and stored with the record but not displayed until the day after the day associated with the record.


Indicates an adjustment transaction.


Indicates an employee calendar entry.


Indicates an employee clocking entry.

Handled Exception

The check mark indicates the user has handled the exception by checking the box to the left of the message and selecting the Handle Selected button.

Assignment Source

This icon appears next to those exceptions that have an assignment source attached. The tool-tip for the assignment source icon displays the classification and code of the assignment source.

Note: The supervisor's Home page can be set up to automatically display if there are any employee timecard exceptions, so that these can be handled on a daily basis. For more information on adding sections to the home page, see the documentation on Preferences section>My Preferences card>Home Page.

The following related topics are available:

Adding a New Quick Code

Adding a New Supervisor LaborView Record

Adding a New Transaction Request

Adding a Predefined Note Code

Entering an Adjustment Through the Add Adjustment Screen

Adding a New Employee LaborView Record

Adding a New Supervisor LaborView Record

Auto Forwarding Employee Assignments

Auto Forwarding Supervisor Assignments

Handling Supervisor Timecards