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Steps for Submitting a Task

To run a task, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Actions section>Processes Card select Tasks.
  2. Click on the Add button in the left pane.
  3. In the Process Definition Code field, select the process that is to be run from the Field Look Up option in the left pane.
  4. Enter the Timeout Minutes to indicate how long a task may run on the agent subsystem before it is marked as "timed out" on the Request History table.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Depending on the option chosen in step 3, an additional screen may display.
  7. When all fields are entered, click on the Next button.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.


File Pattern

File Share

Organization Unit

Process Definition Code

Timeout (Minutes)





The configuration scheme of the download file, as selected from the drop down menu.

File Pattern

Determines which files should be processed for the specific download. If the exact file name is known, that can be entered. If the exact file name is not known, or if there are multiple files, a regular expression search pattern can be entered (for example, "^EmpDown$" processes only the file name EmpDown, while "\.txt$" processes all files with a “.txt” extension). The file pattern should be set to "^" to indicate all files in the folder.

More About File Patterns

File Share

The name of an existing file share location, where this task record should be created.

Organization Unit

The labor distribution to include in this file. The levels available and the label names are determined by the corporate structure.

Process Definition Code

The identification code of the type of process that is to be run.

Timeout (Minutes)

Determines how long a task may run on the agent subsystem before it is marked as timed out on the request history table. The task will continue to run on the agent subsystem after that time is reached.

This feature is used to mark the request as timed out so that other processes that are waiting for it can continue. For example, the Close Pay Period cannot go through if there are any downloads in progress. Users may subscribe to a notification in the system to receive an email or portal message that a timeout has occurred.

Hint: The value specified for this would be dependent on the client and how long a download is expected to take. This value could be set to 1.5-2 times the expected amount of time for the average download to complete for that client.