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Schedule Screen

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Opening a Schedule

The Open Schedule screen is used to enter criteria when opening the Schedule for a single organization unit or for a schedule group.

An archived schedule can be opened by accessing the Open Archive tab and completing the screen displayed. Note: For more information, see Opening an Archived Schedule.

To open a schedule, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Open Schedule area, select the appropriate option button to enable the corresponding selection fields.
  2. If defaults are set up for the organization unit or schedule group, these fields are automatically filled. However, a different organization unit or schedule group can be entered. Click on the search icon to the right of the field to access the options for the field.

    Note: For more information on setting up a default organization unit, see Preferences, Default Organization Unit. For more information on setting up a default scheduling group, see Preferences, Default Scheduling.

  3. In the Select Date area, select the appropriate option button to activate the corresponding date fields.
  4. When all options are filled in, click on the Open Schedule button. Note: To stop the process of opening the schedule, click on the Cancel button. This set up screen is closed.