Grant and Project Tracking User Guide

Project Tracking allows you to track employee clocking, calendar, and adjustment transactions that relate to a specific grant or project. However, this guide's focus is primarily on using Grant and Project Tracking with clockings in the Time and Attendance solution.

Example: If a hospital receives a grant to do cancer research, employees can attach that grant's code to clockings related to the grant so that their hours associated with the grant.

While the basic setup of Grant Tracking or Project Tracking is fairly simple, there are elements that affect or are affected by other items in the system, such as pay codes. Depending on how you decide to set up tracking, you may need assistance by contacting API Healthcare Workforce Management Client Support by creating a case on Client Connections. Because of the many ways to set up your system and the options that you may use, this guide provides basic information and does not cover every situation or setup possibility.

Topics in this section

Configuring Grant and Project Tracking

Using Grant and Project Tracking

Grant Tracking Reports

Project Tracking Reports