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The General button opens a screen to view the basic information on an assignment source, such as the name, classification, category, etc.

Effective Dating

Effective Dating allows you to change employee labor distribution information and pay policies to go into effect on a specific date. The effective dates of these changes can be in the future or the past. Past changes may be restricted in some situations such as when historical data is not available or Pay Groups have been changed.

For example, a change to the Shift Differential pay policy will go into effect at the start of next month. The pay policy can be configured with the new effective date as soon as it is known. You no longer have to wait until after the first day of the pay period containing the new effective date to enter this information. Until that new effective date, the existing policy is still in effect.

When changes are entered for previous pay periods, the feature is called Retro Calculator. With Retro Calculator, you can correct wrong or incomplete transaction information or update a pay policy. When you recalculate the employees involved, adjustments are created and pay is modified accordingly.

For example, a request is submitted to Payroll for an employee's missed punch, in a previous pay period, that will affect the employee's pay. Another example is a pay increase that would retroactively go into effect. These situations used to require many hours of manual calculations to determine the appropriate adjustments to make for these employees. Now these situations can be corrected, employees recalculated, and pay adjustments made within a matter of minutes.

The left pane displays the Timeline for this record. The timeline shown is the version that contains the Search Date (entered on the search parameter screen).

Clicking Add Version creates a new timeline version. You will need to enter an Effective Date for the new version. This date can be in the past or in the future. Click Save Version when finished.

Clicking Delete Version deletes the displayed timeline version. This is only allowed on replicated or added versions, not the original version, because there must always be an Assignment Source in effect.

Clicking Save when editing a timeline version only overwrites the version. It does not create a new version in the timeline.

The Comparison Report will display the differences between the selected version and the one immediately prior to it.

If available, Indicator and/or Parameter tabs open screens to view settings that determine processing rules specific to the open record. Note: For more information, see the Configuration section>System card>Indicators screen and/or Parameters screen.

The Audits tab opens a screen to view an audit trail on additions, edits, and deletions to the open record.

Application Code

A code identifying the software application where this assignment is used (for example, TA for Time and Attendance, SS for Staffing and Scheduling, etc.).

Assignment Source Classification

The classification of an assignment source that was replicated. This option is only available with assignment source records with the Classification of Replicated.

More About Classification Options

Assignment Source Code

The code of an assignment source that was replicated. This option is only available with assignment source records with the Classification of Replicated.


The category of the assignment source, used to group similar assignments (e.g. General, Benefits, Overtime, Deduction, Special Code, or Holiday).


The classification type of the assignment source, as chosen from the drop down menu (Standard, Customer, User Defined or Replicated).

More About Classification Options


The short name or abbreviation identifying the assignment source.


The label describing this assignment source. In a Replicated record, this field displays as Description Template, and contains the description of the original record used as a template. The description can be updated to make it unique to the replicated record.

Effective and Expiration Dates

The Effective Date is when the displayed record's timeline version became effective.

If there is a more recent timeline version for this same record, the Expiration Date will be automatically filled in with the date one day prior to the more recent timeline version's Effective Date.

Home Distribution

Indicates if the assignment source applies to the employee's home labor distribution (Yes/No).

This field must be set accordingly for each Assignment Source used within the system. For example, the pay period information may be based on the Home assignments; however the shift differential may be based on the Worked assignments. In this example all assignment codes within the Pay Period Information screen would have Home checked while all assignment codes in the Shift Differential screen would have Worked checked.

Note: Once this field is selected for an assignment source, all assignment codes for the table have the same selection. For example, within the Shift Differential screen, all assignment codes are set up as either Home (Yes) or Worked (No). There would never be a combination of home and worked within one screen.


The numeric value identifying the assignment source code.

Parent Classification

If this is a replicated assignment, this value indicates the classification of the original assignment used as a template.

Parent Code

If this is a replicated assignment, this value indicates the identification code of the original assignment used as a template.

Search Date

The records returned in the search will be based on the Search Date. Whichever record version that was current for the date entered will be returned. For example, there are two versions of the same record in the system, one expired a year ago and one is current. If you enter any date from within the past year, the current version will be returned in the search. But if you enter any date from more than a year ago, the expired version will be returned in the search.


Indicates whether this assignment source can be used as a template to replicate (Yes/No).