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Group By

The Group By option opens a screen where the user can select the header for grouping the employee names. Employee names can be sorted within the group.

To access this menu, position the cursor in the employee information section and click.

Select the group option from the menu by clicking one of the following options:

  • Job Class

Groups employees by the Job Class Code entered in their Primary Home Labor Distribution screen in the employee record (for example, RN, LPN, Cook).

The headers will display the Job Class abbreviation if one is set up on Job Class Parameter System Standard Alpha 1. They will display the job class number if no abbreviation is set up.

  • Shift

Groups employees by the Shift Code entered in their Primary Home Labor Distribution screen in the employee record (for example, 1st, 2nd, 3rd).

  • Employee Class

Groups employees by the Employee Class Code entered in the Primary Home Labor Distribution screen in the employee record (for example, Full Time, Part Time, Temp).

  • Home Distribution

Groups employees by the Organization Unit Code entered in their Primary Home Labor Distribution screen in the employee record (for example, facility 06-Department 2030).

  • Status

Groups employees by the Status Code entered in their Primary Home Labor Distribution screen in the employee record (for example, Active, Inactive, Terminated).