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Scheduling Assistant Call In Passes

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Adding a Call In Selection Style

The sequence for creating a new call in selection style is as follows:

  1. From the Configuration section> Scheduling card> select the Selection Styles screen.

    Click the Add button in the left pane.

  2. Complete the information on the General tab:
    1. Type an identifying Code and Description for this record.
    2. In the Type field, select the 'Call In' option.
    3. Click Save.
  3. Click the Passes button in the left pane to open a screen to configure the passes to be run for this selection style. Multiple passes can be set up to determine the hierarchy of employees listed for the Call In wizard. During each pass, only employees who meet all the qualifications set up on that pass are listed.
    1. Click the Add button to open a screen to create passes.
    2. Select a Selection option from the Field Look Up Values in the right pane.
    3. Enter a Description to identify this pass.
    4. Depending on the option chosen in the Selection field, additional fields may be required to configure the permissions of the employees who will be included in the results list. For more information on the selection options and the related fields, see Selection Rule, Schedule Assistant Call In.
    5. Click Save.
  4. Click the Qualification button in the left pane to open the screen to determine the rules to be validated with this pass.
  5. Drag the rules to be validated from the Available Rules column to the Selected Rules column. See Qualification Rules (Schedule Assistant Call In) for explanations of each of the available rules.
    1. If additional fields are displayed with a selected rule, enter the values required. Note: If the Hide When Run check box is selected, these fields are required, since the user will not be able to view or edit this field when running the Scheduling Assistant wizard. If this check box is not selected, default values are still recommended, since these fields are required when running the wizard. If default values are not configured, the user must complete the fields each time the wizard is run.
    2. When all rules are selected, click Save.
  6. Click the Sorting button in the left pane to rank the listing of employees.
  7. Drag the rules used to rank employees from the Available Rules column to the Selected Rules column. See Sorting Rules (Scheduling Assistant Call In) for explanations of each of the available rules.
    1. Enter the values of additional information required, such as sorting direction and increments used for calculating total points.
    2. When all fields are completed, click Save.
  8. Multiple passes can be created.
  9. Set the order of the passes.
    1. When more than one pass is created for a selection style, the pass numbers default to the order they were created.
    2. To reorder the pass sequences, click the number of a record under the Pass column and change it.
    3. The numbering sequences of the other passes are updated. For example, if there are three passes configured, and pass 2 is updated to number 1, pass 1 is automatically updated to the proper number in sequence. If one or more passes are deleted, the system automatically adjusts the numbering sequence of the remaining passes.
    4. Click the Update Order button in the left pane to save the new order of the passes and to display them in the order they will be run.

The following related topics are available:


Qualification Rules (Schedule Assistant Call In)

Selection Rule (Schedule Assistant Call In)

Sorting Rules (Schedule Assistant Call In)