This report lists the employees who were clocked into the system or scheduled to be present in the selected organization unit at the date and time entered.
This report is only available when ActiveRoster is purchased and requires AR Application Indicator System Standard 2 to be set to either S or L (which enables ActiveRoster and determines from where the clocking data is loaded).
The report headings display the organization unit code and description. The report is broken down by Present Employees and Scheduled But Not Present employees
Report fields list the employee name, job class (or profile if employee is not present), phone number, in time (actual for present employees, scheduled hours for those not present), whether the time is considered Productive, whether there is a mismatch between scheduled and clocking labor distributions and the facility (if unit labor distributions are included).
Employees, organization units, job classes, and special codes included in this report must be previously set up to be monitored. For more information, see the Feature Set Up section>ActiveRoster Set Up in the Online Help in the system.
Report parameters include the following options:
Employee schedules may include those that began on the day before the date entered in this field, if that schedule is still a current schedule in the entered date and time. For example, if night shift employees work 23:00 April 2 to 07:30 April 3, the employees shift that began on April 2 is still current at 7:00 am on April 3.
active roster