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Projected Benefit Balances

This report shows employees' current benefit balances as well as the projected benefit balances (when including future benefit transactions and accruals).

The report is sorted by labor distribution. The heading includes the organization unit codes and descriptions.

The second sort and heading is by employee. The heading includes the employee name, approved hours and the current pay period information.

Report fields include the benefit category code, the employee seniority date, the pay period ending balance, the latest date submitted (for a future transaction), projected taken, projected accrued, and projected total balance.

An icon to the left of the Projected Taken field can be expanded to display the details of the transactions for the projected benefits. Fields include the date of the projected transaction, the pay code, the date the transaction was submitted, the projected beginning balance, the projected benefit value taken, and the projected ending balance. When the Include Requests parameter is set to Yes, the Projected Taken field includes transactions that are submitted but have not been approved. An R to the right of the transaction identifies that this request still has a Requested status. When that parameter is set to No, only approved requests are included in the Projected Taken field.

This report can be scheduled for automatic generation and distribution.

Report parameters include the following options: