Creating a Category Record

To create a category record, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Configuration section>Education Tracking card, select the Category icon.
  2. Click on the Add button to open a screen to configure a new record.
  3. On the General tab, enter a Code and Description to identify the record.
  4. Click on the Assignment Defaults tab. When assigning this category to a curriculum, the default settings are automatically entered. These default settings can be changed on an individual record.
  5. In the Default Mandatory field, enter whether employees must meet the requirements of this category in order to be scheduled (Yes/No).
  6. Enter the Default Effective Date and Default Expiration Date to indicate the date range that this category is a requirement.
  7. Enter the Default Frequency and Default Frequency Value to indicate how often this requirement must be renewed.
  8. The Default Expiration Type field determines the default employee expiration cycle for the requirement, whether it is based on a certain date or based on the last time the class was taken.
  9. When this value is set to Fixed, the Default Fixed Expiration Date field is enabled, to determine if this requirement expires on the same date for everyone or if it is specific to an employee.
  10. If the category expiration date should be extended to the last day of the expiration month, set the End Of The Month Expiration field to Yes.
  11. When this value is set to Fixed, the Default Carry Over Days field is enabled to determine the maximum number of days prior to expiration that the requirement can be renewed.
  12. In the Default Grace Period field, enter the number of days that an employee can continue to be scheduled after expiration of one or more category requirements.
  13. Click on the Indicators tab.
  14. Category Indicator ED Solution Standard 1 determines whether or not this is a pool category (where employees only need to take a certain number of courses, not all courses in the category)
  15. Category Indicator ED Solution Standard 2 determines whether the Pool courses requirements are totaled by credits, hours or number of courses. Note: If this is a Standard category, this field does not need to be configured.
  16. If this is a Pool category, click on the Parameters tab.
  17. In the Category Parameter ED Solution Standard Rate 1 field, enter the total number of credits, hours, or courses needed to fulfill the requirements of this category. Note: When setting up the Course/Competency records, be sure to enter the credits and/or hours that are awarded for completing the class.
  18. Save the record.

Steps for Adding Course Requirements to a Category

  1. To add one or more course requirements for this category, select the Courses button in the left pane.
  2. Click on the Add button. The Course Search screen is displayed.
  3. After entering values in the selected fields, click on the Search button. The results are listed below the search screen.
  4. To select one or more record, click the selection box to the left of the record to alternately add or remove the check mark. To select/de-select all records in a specific search result set, click on the box above the search results to add or remove all check marks.
  5. After selecting records, click the action button for either Assign: Common Data to enter the same Effective Date and Expiration Date values to all selected records, or Assign: Individual Data to add different values to each selected record.