The Replace feature is used to update multiple selected profile code records at the same time with the same field information or the same indicator and/or parameter values.
To replace the indicator fields in multiple records, complete the following steps:
- Using the Search page selection criteria, search for all the profile code records to be updated. Multiple searches can be conducted to build a results list.
- Check the selection box for each record to be updated.
- Click on the Replace button in the left pane.
A screen is displayed with all replaceable fields showing as read only.
- Click on the Indicator tab to open the screen.
- Check the selection box for a field to be updated. The field is then enabled.
- Enter the new information in the field.
- To reset all the values back to the previously saved ones, click on the Reset button in the left pane. Note: Once the records have been saved, the values cannot be reset to the previous values. They would have to be re-entered as updated values, following steps 1-7.
- Click on the Save button to save the changes.
- All selected records are now updated, with the new information replacing the old information in the selected fields.