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Add Weekly Schedule

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Adding a Weekly Schedule

The Add Weekly Schedule option opens a screen to set up a schedule to be run on a weekly cycle. The user can select which day(s) of the week the schedule runs and whether it is run very week or a cycle of every X number of weeks.

To set up a weekly schedule, complete the following steps:

  1. From the left pane, select the Add Weekly Schedule button.
  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the schedule.
  3. Enter the Start Date and Start Time of when this report cycle should begin.
  4. Enter the End Date and End Time of when this report cycle should stop. If these fields are left blank, the cycle will continue to run indefinitely.
  5. In the Interval field, enter the number of weeks in this cycle. For example if 2 is entered here, the report will run every two weeks; if 1 is entered here, the report will run every week.
  6. In the Repeat Interval field, enter the number of minutes between times that the report should run on the indicated days. For example, if 480 is entered in this field, the report will run every 480 minutes (8 hours) on the selected dates. If this report should only generate once per day, leave this field blank. A zero will automatically be assigned when the record is saved.
  7. In the Shared field, indicate whether other uses can use this same schedule for generating their reports (Yes/No).
  8. When this value is set to yes, other users see this option when they open the Schedules tab for this report.
  9. Click on the Save button to save the information entered on the General screen.

Days of Week Tab

  1. Click on the Days of Week tab.
  2. To select a day, highlight it in the Available Days column, and drag the value to the Selected Days column.
  3. Select each day of the week that the report should run.
  4. Click on the Save button to save this schedule.

The following fields are available when viewing a record:

Created By

Created On

End Date

End Time



Repeat Interval

Schedule Type


Start Date

Start Time

Created By

The name of the user who created this report schedule.

Created On

The date this report schedule was created.

End Date

The date this report schedule is to end, if applicable. If this fields is left blank the report will be generated at the set up intervals indefinitely.

More About Date Value Fields

End Time

The time of day that this report schedule is to stop. For example, if the Start Time is set for 7:00 and the End Time is set for 11:00 and the Repeat interval is set for 60 minutes, the report will generate every 60 minutes starting at 7:00 and ending at 11:00.

More About Time Value Fields


The number of times the units (days, weeks, or months) will cycle before the scheduled report runs again. For example, if the scheduled report is needed every other Monday, the schedule is set to run on Monday and the Interval value is set to 2.

For the Add Weekly schedule, the interval indicates the number of weeks in the rotation. If this value is set to 2, the schedule will run every two weeks on the days selected on the Days of Week tab.


The alphanumeric label identifying the schedule generation cycle.

Repeat Interval

The number of minutes between instances that this report is to be run. For example, if this field is set to 480, the report will run every 480 minutes on the scheduled dates beginning with the Start Time. If this field is set to zero or left blank, the report only generates once per day.

Schedule Type

Indicates whether this report schedule should be run Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly Days, Monthly Weeks, Startup, Immediate, or Continuous.


Indicates whether this schedule can be shared with other reports (Yes/No). When this value is set to Yes, other users can search for and use this schedule by clicking on the Add Existing Schedule button.

Start Date

The date that the report generation cycle should begin. The report continues to generate on the configured cycle until the End Date is reached. If there is no End Date set up, the report continues to generate indefinitely.

More About Date Value Fields

Start Time

The time of day that the report cycle is started, expressed in 24-hour format. If the report is set to generate multiple times during the day, the minutes in the Repeat Interval field are added to this start time to determine the next time the report is run.

For example, if the value in the Start Time field is 07:00 and the value in the Repeat Interval field is 480, the report will generate at 07:00, then at 15:00 (480 minutes later), then at 23:00.

More About Time Value Fields