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Steps for Enrolling in a Class from the Education Summary

Complete the following steps when enrolling an employee in a class through the Education Summary page:

  1. Click on the icon Icon for Class search to the left of the desired course.
  2. The Class Search screen displays.
  3. If there are future classes related to this selected course, they display in a list below the search criteria
  4. Select a specific class.

    The Class record is opened.

  5. EMPLOYEE self-enrolling: Click Enroll or Request Enrollment.

    MANAGER enrolling an employee: Click Attendees. On the next screen, click Add. Search for and select the employee.

  6. If there are any scheduling conflicts for the employee (for example, a work schedule or vacation day) either a warning or informational message displays above the class information.
  7. The employee is added to the roster for the class. Or if Request Enrollment was clicked, the employee's request goes to the manager's queue for approval.

    Note: For more information on the fields available when searching of a class, see the documentation on Configuration section>Education card>Class screen.