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Trade Requests

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Handling Trade/Offer Requests

Depending on the authorization role of the user, he/she may be able to approve or deny an employee's request for trade or offer.

  1. After Searching for a Trade/Offer Request, all records that meet the search criteria are displayed.
  2. Click the folder on the record to open and view the details of the request. Information regarding the requesting and accepting employees and their schedules is displayed.

Action Buttons:

The following action options may be available in the left pane, depending on indicator settings of the trade.





Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.

Accepting Comments

Employee Last Name


Requesting Comments

Reviewer Comments


The following related topics are available:

Searching for a Trade/Offer Request

Life Cycle of a Traded Shift

Life Cycle of an Offered Shift

Accepting Comments

Any comments that were entered by the employee accepting the trade or offer.

Employee Last Name

The last name of one of the employees involved in the trade or offer transaction.


The date and time that the trade or offer was submitted to the system.

More About Date Value Fields

Requesting Comments

Any comments that were entered by the employee requesting the trade or offer when it was submitted.

Reviewer Comments

Comments by the reviewer as to why the request was approved, denied or canceled. Organization Unit indicator settings determine whether a comment is required when a trade request is approved, denied, or canceled.


Indicates whether the transaction is for a Trade or for an Offer.