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Transaction Requests

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Adding a New Transaction Request

To add a new employee transaction request, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Actions sections tool bar, select the Approval card, then Transaction Requests screen.
  2. Click on the Add button in the left pane to open a screen to add a new employee request.
  3. Use the Employee Search page to enter criteria to locate the employee record.
  4. From the results list, select the employee.
  5. From the Classification field, select either the Calendar, Clocking or Adjustment option from the menu.
  6. Enter the Range Begin Date and Range Begin Time to indicate the date and time of the beginning of the transaction range.
  7. Enter the Range End Date and Range End Time to indicate when the transaction range ends.
  8. Enter a Reason for the request, for example "Vacation".
  9. Enter any Reviewer Comments with additional information on the request.
  10. Click on Save to save the record.
  11. The screen now displays the action buttons. Click on the Add Calendar, Add Clocking, or Add Adjustment button to submit at least one transaction entry. The related transaction screen is displayed.
  12. Complete the information on all tabs and click on the Save button.
  13. For more information on the fields available, see the following related topics in the Employee record:
  14. The user has the option to update the status of this request now (Approve, Cancel, Deny, Pending Review and Delete Request), or it can be updated later by the same user or by another supervisor.

The following related topics are available:

Searching for a Transaction Request

Handling Existing Employee Transaction Requests

Action Buttons

The following action buttons may be available in the left pane:

The following status options are available:




The following edit options are available:

Add Calendar

Delete Request

Cancel Request

Remove From Request