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Self Scheduling Visual Cues

The Self Scheduling Visual Cues screen is used to set up visual alerts to display on the self schedule screen for certain conditions, such as alternate schedules, scheduled classes, unavailability, and recurring unavailability.

The system defaults are set up on this screen. Authorized users can set up their own visual cues in the Preferences section>My Preferences card>Self Scheduling Visual Cues screen.

  1. To select an item to assign a visual cue, highlight the item in the Available Visual Cues pane. Drag the item to the Selected Visual Cues pane.
  2. For each selected item, indicate the Location of the visual cue, the Color of the cue and the Cell Text (if Text is selected in the Location field).
  3. Click on the Save System Defaults button to save the entry before exiting the screen.


The Location determines where in the schedule cell this visual cue is displayed. The color displayed for all options is selected in the Color field.

The following location options are available


Does not display a visual cue.


Displays a colored border around the outside of the cell.

Upper Left

Displays a colored triangle in the upper left corner of the schedule cell.

Lower Left

Displays a colored triangle in the lower left corner of the schedule cell.

Upper Right

Displays a colored triangle in the upper right corner of the schedule cell.

Lower Right

Displays a colored triangle in the lower right corner of the schedule cell.


Displays the selected color in the entire schedule cell.


Displays a text cue in the cell. The text displayed is taken from the Cell Text field.


The Color field is used to select the color of the visual cue, which is either a border, background color, or text. More About Selecting Colors.

Action Buttons

The following Actions are available in the left pane:

Reset All Users

Reset Users

After selecting the Reset Users button, the following Actions are available for searching and resetting records:


Cancel Reset

Reset Selected

The following topics are available in this chapter

Alternate Schedules Cell Text

Alternate Schedules Color

Alternate Schedules Location

Recurring Unavailability Color

Recurring Unavailability Location

Recurring Unavailability Text

Scheduled Classes Location

Scheduled Classes Color

Scheduled Classes Cell Text

Unavailability Color

Unavailability Location

Unavailability Cell Text

Weekend Color

Alternate Schedules Cell Text

The text that is to appear in the schedule cell as a visual cue for schedules in a different organization from the open schedule. This value is only displayed when the Text option is selected in the Location field.

Alternate Schedules Color

The color used for the visual cue for indicating a schedule in a different organization unit from the open schedule.

Alternate Schedules Location

Determines where in the schedule cell this visual cue is displayed, indicating employee scheduled activities in another organization unit from the open schedule.

Recurring Unavailability Color

The color displayed for all Location options, to indicate days where an employee has an approved recurring unavailability.

Recurring Unavailability Location

Determines where in the schedule cell this visual cue is displayed to indicate employee unavailability that follows a pattern (for example every Wednesday from 9:00-12:00).

Recurring Unavailability Text

Determines the text displayed in a schedule cell to indicate the employee has approved recurring unavailability. This value is only displayed when the Text option is selected in the Location field.

Scheduled Classes Location

Determines where in the schedule cell this visual cue is displayed, to indicate the employee is enrolled in an Education Tracking class.

Scheduled Classes Color

The color displayed for all Location options, to indicate an employee is scheduled for an Education Tracking class.

Scheduled Classes Cell Text

Determines the text displayed in a schedule cell, to indicate the employee is enrolled in an Education Tracking class. This value is only displayed when the Text option is selected in the Location field.

Unavailability Color

The color displayed for all Location options, to indicate days where an employee has approved unavailability.

Unavailability Location

Determines where in the schedule cell this visual cue is displayed to indicate an employee requested time off, which has been approved by the supervisor.

Unavailability Cell Text

Determines the text displayed in a schedule cell to indicate the employee has approved unavailability. This value is only displayed when the Text option is selected in the Location field.

Weekend Color

The color displayed to indicate a weekend schedule cell.

Weekend Color

The color displayed to indicate a weekend schedule cell.