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Assignment Listing Report

This report gives information on a selected assignment source, including the assignment source classification, code, description, category, home/worked distribution and the assignment determination options available for this assignment.

The report includes the assignment codes assigned to this assignment source, including code, description, criteria, indicators, parameters, range tables and special codes for the assignment. The report fields lists the calculation rules used, the calculation indicators, and calculation exceptions.

Report parameters include the following options:

Assignment Source Classification

Indicates whether this report is Standard, Customer, User Defined, or Replicated.

Assignment Source Code

The Assignment Source Code of the assignment to report on, as selected from the Field Look Up Values (e.g. Benefits, Deduction, etc.)

Assignment Code

The identification code of the assignment. The values displayed are those with the Assignment Source Code entered in the previous field.

Home Distribution

Indicates if the assignment source of the assignment applies to the employee's home labor distribution (Yes/No). When this value is set to "Yes", this assignment pertains to the employee's HOME labor distribution. When this value is set to "No", this assignment pertains to the employee's WORKED labor distribution.