This report lists course/competencies and the names of all employees whose education requirement of that specific course/competency has not been completed.
Report fields for the Course sort include course code and description with a listing of those employees not meeting the requirement. The report is sorted by organization unit and curriculum. Employee records include employee name, employee number, employment status and job class, and the curriculum and category assignment where this course assignment originates. When the Details option is selected, this report also lists associated courses in the same category of the curriculum, including the date the employee last took the course.
Report fields for the Employee sort include employee name, number, status, and home job class; assigned position, type of assignment (category, course), with a listing of courses not completed by that employee. Course records include the course code and description, assignment level (e.g. facility, department, job class, position, or employee), effective date of the requirement, expiration date of the requirement, and whether this requirement is mandatory.
Report parameters include the following options: