Employee Hours by Grant
This report displays the number of employee hours assigned with a grant during the indicated date range.
Report parameters include the following options:
- Whether to include all grant codes (by leaving the field blank) or select a grant code from the Field Look Up Values on the right.
- The start and end dates of the range of the transactions to include in the report.
- Whether to Include Retro Adjustments (Yes/No).
- Whether to Group By Job Class (Yes/No).
- When Group By Job Class is set to No, the report is sorted by grant code, then employee.
- When Group By Job Class is set to Yes, the report is sorted by grant code, then job class, then employee. Also, a Total Job Class Hours calculation is included on the report.
The grant heading includes the grant code, description, and number. The employee heading includes the employee number and name.
Fields include the date, the hours, and the organization units of the transaction assigned to the grant code.