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Adding a New Schedule through the Schedule Box

A Schedule Box can be opened to add a new schedule assignment. This can be used if the user wants to search for an activity code, to assign a different profile than the default, to enter different start/end times from an activity code, etc.

Some of the information in this screen is already defaulted from the schedule screen, and other information is defaulted once the activity code is filled in. The defaulted information can be left, or replaced with different values. Type in the value, or click on the Look Up Values icon to open a menu of valid options to select for the field.

To add a new schedule using the Schedule Box, complete the following steps:

  1. To access this box, position the cursor on the cell to have the schedule added and double-click. The following screen is displayed.

  2. Select the option button to indicate whether this is for a schedule or for a calendar.
  3. Enter an Activity Code for this schedule.
  4. The Date field defaults with the date of the selected cell. This date can be modified.
  5. The Time field defaults to the start time of the activity code previously entered. This value can be adjusted.
  6. The Hours/Units field defaults to the length of the activity code previously entered. This value can be adjusted if the employee is working a shorter or longer schedule. The end time of the schedule is calculated from the Time + Hours + Lunch Length (Hours) fields.
  7. The Lunch Length (Hours) field defaults to the length of the lunch break entered in the related activity code.
  8. The Rate field defaults to the rate entered in the activity code.
  9. The trunk, branch and leaf level of the open Organization Unit is defaulted but can be changed.
  10. Depending on the organization unit entered, the default employee Position and related Profile are automatically entered. These values can be changed to assign a different profile assignment.
  11. If a Grant, and/or Project are being tracked with this schedule, select the options.
  12. To add a note to this schedule, click on the arrow to the left of the Notes bar to open the section.

  13. A Predefined Note Code can be selected to automatically load subject and body information.
  14. If a predefined note is not selected, enter a Subject for the title of this note. In the Body field, enter the free-form text for information regarding this note.
  15. Check box to the left of Publish this activity when saving to automatically launch the publishing process for this schedule.
  16. When all fields are complete, click on the Apply & Close button to save this schedule and close this box.