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Add New Code

The Add New Code option is used to enter a new scheduled activity for an employee. This option is also used when the user wants to add a second activity code to the same schedule cell.

Note: Users can also enter a new code by simply clicking on the field and typing in the activity code.

To add a new code to a schedule cell, complete the following steps:

  1. Click on the cell in the schedule grid which indicates the correct date and employee. Note that the header of the date is highlighted and the employee name is highlighted.

  2. In the tool bar, open the Edit menu, then select Add New Code. The outline of a scheduled activity box is shown in the cell. Note: The user can also just start typing without accessing the Add New Code function.
  3. Type in the activity code and move the focus off the field.
  4. If no other information is entered, the system assumes that the employee should be assigned the profile that is linked to the employee's primary position in this organization unit.

Specify Activity Code/Profile Combination

To enter a different profile than the default, complete the following steps:

  1. Click on the cell in the schedule grid which indicates the correct date and employee. The cell is highlighted.
  2. Enter the activity code, then type a delimiter (either a comma, semicolon or space) then enter the profile code. In the following example, the activity code entered is 0700-8 and the profile is RNCH-3N (the field is not case sensitive) .
  3. Move the cursor off the field. The assignment is displayed .

Specify Pay Code/Start Time/Hours Combination

Users can also enter a Pay Code/Start Time/Hours combination by entering a "string" with these values and a delimiter (comma, semicolon, or space to separate the values) into the cell on the grid.

  1. Highlight the schedule cell for the employee and date where this schedule or calendar should be added.
  2. Type a valid pay code directly into the grid.
  3. Immediately following the pay code, enter a delimiter character (comma, semicolon, or space).
  4. Enter the start time of the calendar using 24-hour format. Leading zeros and the colon are not required (e.g. 700 can be entered for 07:00).
  5. Immediately following the start time, enter a delimiter character (comma, semicolon or space).
  6. Enter an hour value using whole and decimal hours (e.g. 4.5)
  7. Move the cursor off the field to register the information.