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Minimum Staffing and Employee Schedule Validation

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About Minimum Staffing Rules

This section provides more information about each of the minimum staffing rules.

Minimum Days Off

This rule informs managers, schedulers, and employees when employees have not been given the minimum number of days off within a specified time period. You set the required minimum number of days off and the length of the time period. You can also set whether the days off must be consecutive.

Employees must be given four days off within every two-week time period.

Minimum Scheduled Hours

This rule informs managers, schedulers, and employees when employees have not been given enough scheduled time to achieve their approved hours less an allowed variance. This rule can be created to monitor daily, weekly/biweekly, or schedule period approved hours.

An employee's approved hours are 40 hours per week. The rule is violated until the accumulated schedule hours pass the 40-hour minimum.

Minimum Shift Equity

This rule informs managers, schedulers, and employees when employees have not been given enough schedules distributed among day, evening, and night shifts. You set which activities count toward which shift and how many of each the employees must work.

Employees must work two evening and two night shifts per schedule period.

Minimum Weekends

This rule informs managers, schedulers, and employees when employees have not been given enough weekend schedules to achieve their required minimum number. You can define what you consider a weekend and what makes a weekend shift. You can set how many schedules are required and how many weekends are required in a schedule period.

Employees must work four weekend shifts per schedule period.