The Courses button opens a screen to display the courses and/or competencies currently assigned this Curriculum. Courses can be added or removed from the Curriculum from this screen. Note: Use this screen to add courses that are NOT included in a category already assigned to this curriculum.
To open and view a Course record, click the card arrow on the record.
Note: Courses must first be set up on the Course/Competency configuration screen. For more information on the fields available when filtering the list or adding, editing or viewing records, see the Configuration section>Education Tracking card>Course/Competency screen.
Depending on the authorization role of the user, the following actions may be available:
Adding a Course
To add one or more Courses to the list, click on the Add button. The Course Search screen is displayed.
- After entering values in the selected fields, click on the Search button. The results are listed below the search screen.
- To select one or more record, click the selection box to the left of the record to alternately add or remove the check mark. To select/de-select all records in a specific search result set, click on the box above the search results to add or remove all check marks.
- After selecting records, click the action button for either Assign: Common Data to enter the same assignment values to all selected records, or Assign: Individual Data to add different values to each selected record.
Note: For more information on the assignment fields, see the Configuration section>Education Tracking card>General section>Assignment Defaults tab.
Deleting a Course
To remove one or more Course records from the open record, complete the following steps:
- Check the box on each record to be removed.
- Click on the Delete Selected button in the left pane.
- A message appears verifying the record should be deleted. Click on Yes to continue.
Note: This action removes the selected course records from this record only, it does not delete them from the Course/Competency configuration screen.
Filtering the Course List
All Courses currently assigned to this record are displayed on the screen. To limit the number of records displayed, a filter can be applied.
- Click the expand arrow on the Filter Criteria bar and enter the filter criteria.
- When the criteria have been entered, click on the Filter button to apply the filter.
- To remove the filter and display all records, click on the Remove Filter button.
- To view a specific record, click the expand arrow on the record.
Carry Over Days
The number of days before the expiration date of a course/competency requirement that the employee can take the related class.
For example, if this value is set to 60, the employee can schedule a class up to 60 days in advance of the expiration date. This field is only enabled if the Expiration Category is set to Fixed.
Note: If this value is left at 0, this means the employee cannot take this class until the day it expires. Be sure to enter enough carryover days to allow the employee to attend a class before the expiration date, especially if a particular class is not offered very often.
Effective Date
The date the selected course/competency becomes a requirement for the curriculum.
More About Date Value Fields
When a date field is highlighted, the Date Selector is displayed in the right pane to search for the date. Use the arrows in the heading bar to scroll to the Previous or Next month's calendar. Double-click on a date to enter it into the field. Alternatively, dates can be typed into the field.
End of the Month Expiration
Indicates whether this course requirement expiration is extended to the last day of the expiration month (Yes/No). This functionality is only available when the Rolling First or Rolling Last option is selected in the Expiration Category field.
Expiration Date
The date the selected course/competency is no longer a requirement for the curriculum, if applicable. If this course requirement is not set to expire, leave this field blank.
More About Date Value Fields
When a date field is highlighted, the Date Selector is displayed in the right pane to search for the date. Use the arrows in the heading bar to scroll to the Previous or Next month's calendar. Double-click on a date to enter it into the field. Alternatively, dates can be typed into the field.
Expiration Type
Indicates the method for determining the employee-level expiration of the course/competency requirement (i.e. Fixed, Rolling First, or Rolling Last).
More About Expiration Type Options
The following are valid Expiration Type options:
The requirement expiration runs on a fixed cycle - Every year, every 6 month etc. The date of the employee class transactions does not affect the expiration date of the requirement.
- If the Fixed Date is filled in, the course/competency expires for everyone on the same date.
- If the Fixed Date is not filled in, the cycle expiration date depends on employee-specific dates, such as hire date or position effective date, depending on the setting of the
Use Hire Date field on the related curriculum.Indicates whether the requirement Fixed expiration date of the assigned courses will default to the month/day of the employees' hire date rather than to their position effective date (yes/no).
- When this value is set to Yes, the course expiration month/day defaults to the employees' hire date. This ensures the requirement will expire on the employees' anniversary date.
- When this value is set to No, the course expiration month/day defaults to the latest date among the employee hire date, labor distribution begin date, and curriculum content effective date.
The expiration date is based on the date the employee last completed the class. If there are multiple requirements assigned to a category, the expiration date for the entire category is based on the expiration date of the requirement that expires first.
The expiration date is based on the date the employee last completed the class. If there are multiple requirements assigned to a category, the expiration date for the entire category is based on the expiration date of the requirement that expires last.
Time span by which the requirement expiration date should be monitored (Day(s), Week(s), Month(s), Year(s), or Once). If this value is set to Once, the Frequency Value, Expiration Type, Fixed Expiration Date and Carry Over Days fields are disabled.
Frequency Value
The number of Frequency units that can elapse before a course/competency requirement expires. For example, if the Frequency is set to Years and the Frequency Value is 2, this means the requirement expires after two years.
Fixed Expiration Date
The date when this course/competency expires for all employees, if applicable. This field is only enabled when the Expiration Type is set to Fixed.
More About Date Value Fields
When a date field is highlighted, the Date Selector is displayed in the right pane to search for the date. Use the arrows in the heading bar to scroll to the Previous or Next month's calendar. Double-click on a date to enter it into the field. Alternatively, dates can be typed into the field.
Grace Period
The number of days after expiration of this requirement that the employee is still able to be scheduled. If the requirement has a frequency of Once, this grace period is added to the beginning of the requirement cycle, so employees have X number of days to complete this requirement.
Note: If the frequency of the requirement is anything other than “Once”, this grace period days are never automatically added to the expiration date as it is displayed in the portal. The expiration dates listed are always the true expiration. The Grace Period is taken into consideration when trying to schedule the employee to work after the employee’s eligibility has expired.
If the requirement is a “Once” frequency, there is no end to the person’s eligibility once it has been fulfilled. Therefore, the grace period is applied to the beginning of the cycle. The Eligibility Expiration date displayed for an unfulfilled Once frequency requirement will be the effective date of the requirement plus the number of grace days.
Determines whether the course or competency needs to be completed for the employee to meet educational requirements (Yes/No).
Note: When an education requirement's mandatory flag is set to No, that course/competency is still required for the education record, but it is not required for the employee to be scheduled (even when the Education Requirements Qualification rule is applied in the Selection Style for scheduling).