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Course Compliance by Organization Unit

This report shows the employee compliance to education requirements within the specified organization unit.

The heading includes the course number and name. The subheading includes the organization unit requiring the course.

Summary fields include the percentage of employees meeting the mandatory requirements, the percentage of employees not meeting the mandatory requirements, the overall compliancy for mandatory requirements, the percentage of employees meeting the non-mandatory requirements, the percentage of employees not meeting the non-mandatory requirements.

When Details are included, the fields displayed for each course include the employee name, last taken date, last taken status, score, grace, next scheduled, eligibility end date, and whether the class is mandatory. When an employee has a mandatory requirement that is expired or not met, the employee name and details are color coded in red; if the mandatory requirement will be expiring, the employee name and details are color coded in blue.

This report can be scheduled for automatic generation and distribution.

Report parameters include the following options: