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Keyboard Shortcuts in a Grid

The following Keyboard Shortcuts are available when adding or editing information in a grid.



Navigate upwards through the grid

Navigate downwards through the grid

Navigate right through the grid

Navigate left through the grid

Ctrl &

Opens the Transaction Detail section in the Transaction Grid

Ctrl &

Closes the Transaction Detail section in the Transaction Grid


Moves right through the row

Shift & Tab

Moves left through the row


Moves to the first cell of the row


Moves to the last cell of the row

Ctrl & Home

Moves to the first row in the column of the focus

Ctrl & End

Moves to the last row in the column of the focus

Page Up

Moves 20 rows up

Page Down

Moves 20 rows down


Prompts to delete the row


Deletes the entire contents of the cell


Cancels all changes to the row. When a new row is being added the row is removed.

Ctrl & S

Saves the row


Enters the current date in a date cell


In a date cell enters the current date

Any Printable Key

Enters cell into edit mode and sets the cell to that value

In Cell Edit Mode



Opens the drop-down (when a drop-down exists and is closed) and moves the highlight down through the list. Opens the calendar in a date cell.

Closes the drop-down (when drop-down exists and is open), when the highlighted item is at the top of the list and moves the highlight up through the list. Closes the calendar in a date cell

Navigate right through the cell

Navigate left through the cell


Moves right through the row staying in cell edit mode

Shift & Tab

Moves left through the row staying in cell edit mode


Deletes the contents of the cell


Deletes the entire contents of the cell


Cancels the cell being edited