The Priority Days button opens a screen to indicate the order that the days of the week should be scheduled. For example, weekend days can be set up to schedule before week days. When using needs-based weekend staffing, scheduling weekend days first makes it more likely that employees will be scheduled their eligible weekends. Otherwise, an employee might reach their weekly approved hours or overtime hours limit before the weekend is populated.
When the scheduling process is run, all instances of the highest priority day of the week (as displayed in the Assigned Days section) within the scheduling period are scheduled first, in chronological order. Then the second highest priority day of the week is scheduled for all those days of the week, in chronological order. Any days of the week not selected are scheduled chronologically.
As an example, the system starts with the days selected in the Assigned Days column and populates all the Sundays in the scheduling period, then all the Saturdays, and then all the Fridays. The system then moves to the Available Days column and populates the Mondays, the Tuesdays, the Wednesdays, and finally the Thursdays.